On Saturdays at Unity of Springfield this group meets at the church to discuss the work of the Law of Attraction as described by the channeled entity Abraham. These messages are channeled and scribed by Esther & Jerry Hicks.
Everyone is welcome to join in.
Unity of Springfield2214 E. Seminole StreetSpringfield, MO 65804More about Esther Hicks:
Hay House, Inc. published the Hicks’ best-selling book, Ask and It is Given, in 2004. Since then, they have also published four more New York Times Best-sellers:
- Money, and The Law of Attraction (made #1 on New York Times Best Sellers List)
- The Law of Attraction
- The Astonishing Power of Emotions
- The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
- as well as the fictional children’s series of Sara books.