About Unity of Springfield

Unity of Springfield is a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community dedicated to helping individuals discover and live their divine potential. Founded on the principles of practical Christianity, we emphasize affirmative prayer, meditation, and education as pathways to spiritual growth and personal transformation.

Unity of Springfield started as a small home group in 1933. The group was initially named Springfield Unity Center. It moved several times and underwent multiple name changes, eventually becoming Christ Church Unity. In 1969, Unity moved to its current location at 2214 E. Seminole.

In 2006, Sue Baggett-Day became the Spiritual Leader and continues to serve in this role. The church has made numerous enhancements to its facilities, including redesignating a house for youth activities in 2009 and rebranding to Unity of Springfield in 2011. Unity of Springfield celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2023 with a large community event. Today, the community thrives under the guidance of Licensed Unity Teachers, staff, and dedicated volunteers, embodying the spirit of positive growth and inclusivity.


Unity Of Springfield’s History

Upcoming Events


Our Mission Is:

Our mission is to encourage and inspire spiritual and personal growth, by empowering each other to be authentically all that we came here to be.

Our Vision Is:

  • To welcome & recognize all who enter the church as important and unique creations of God.
  • To offer metaphysical interpretation and practical applications of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • To offer inspirational services, classes, workshops, and seminars that support the core values of Unity of Springfield.
  • To offer youth education that nurtures their spiritual growth.
  • To provide social events to bring families and individuals together in a loving and sharing atmosphere of fellowship.
  • To have welcoming facilities that meet the needs of the church, now and in the future.
  • To provide an environment that expects and appreciates volunteer service within and outside the church community.

More about the Unity Movement Upcoming Events


Stones with affirmative words: believe, inspire, dream, succeed.

Why does it matter what we believe?

The five basic principles of Unity emphasize the omnipresence of God, the divine nature inherent in every individual, and the power of positive thinking and affirmative prayer. They teach that our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences and that through mindful living and spiritual practice, we can align with our true divine potential. By embodying these principles, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with the divine, manifesting peace, prosperity, and healing in their lives.

Learn More About These Principles

Downloadable Five Principles Booklet


The Unity booklet, “Five Principles for Spiritual Living,” features articles by Unity ministers and New Thought writers who share how understanding and practicing universal spiritual principles can transform your life, with each article offering practical teachings, prayers, and affirmations for deeper spiritual practice.

Unity of Springfield embraces practical Christianity, teaching the divinity of all people and the power of prayer and meditation. We honor all traditions as sacred, fostering an inclusive community that celebrates diverse spiritual paths and commits to peace, spiritual action, and the support and affirmation of LGBTQI+ individuals and families.


God is Spirit, the loving source of all that is. God is the one power (omnipotent), all good, everywhere present (omnipresent), all wisdom (omniscient). God is divine energy, continually creating, expressing, and sustaining all creation. In God, we live and move and have our being. In Unity, some other ways we refer to God are: Love, Spirit, Life, Light, Substance, Principle, Law, Universe, Source, Divine Intelligence, and Universal Mind.


We believe that Jesus is one of many luminaries that expressed his divine potential and sought to show humankind how to express ours as well. We see Jesus as a master teacher of universal truths and he is our Way-Shower. In Unity, we use the term “Christ” to mean the divinity in humankind. Jesus is the great example of the Christ in expression.

The Bible

Unity cofounders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, studied the Bible as history and allegory, and interpreted it as a metaphysical representation of humankind’s evolutionary journey toward spiritual awakening. In addition, Unity recognizes that the Bible is a complex collection of writings compiled over many centuries. We honor the writings as reflecting the understanding and inspiration of the writers at the time they were written. The Bible continues to be a valuable spiritual resource for us.

Unity Teachings

Unity teaches that each person is a unique expression of God created with sacred worth. Living from that awareness transforms our lives and the world.

Unity emphasizes the creative power of thought in our life experience. We refer to this as the ‘Law of Mind Action’. When we take personal responsibility to choose life-affirming thoughts, words and actions, we experience a more fulfilling and abundant life.

Unity emphasizes the importance of applying spiritual principles in our daily lives.

Unity teachings continue to evolve as we identify, embrace, and apply spiritual insights and the spiritual implications of new discoveries.

Co-founder Charles Fillmore has been quoted as saying, “I reserve the right to change my mind at any given time.”  So do we all.


Prayer & Meditation

Affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought. It includes the release of counterproductive, negative thoughts, as well as holding in mind statements of spiritual truth. Through meditation, we experience the presence of God. Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness of God within and thereby transform our lives.


Youth & Family

Unity recognizes that there are many expressions of family life. All are welcome. Unity creates an affirming environment that fosters positive self-image, personal responsibility, and unconditional love and acceptance. Unity provides a strong spiritual foundation for children’s lives.

Unity beholds all children as whole and perfect expressions of God;

empowers children to fulfill their divine potential;

teaches children to meditate and pray;

invites children to experience a loving God.

provides a strong spiritual foundation for children’s lives.


Spiritual Action

In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal example and active service in our churches, our communities, and our world.


Unity teaches that all people are created with sacred worth and that no one exists outside the heart of God. Its basic principles state that God is Good, and because all people exist within God, they also are inherently good. We are an LGBTQ affirming and supportive spiritual community. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Queer/Questioning people serve at all levels of leadership in our movement and in our church.


Statement for Peace

Unity stands for peace in the presence of conflict; for love in the presence of hatred; for forgiveness in the presence of injury. Unity honors the many names for God, the many paths to God, the many ways to worship God; for there is only One power and presence of God and that God loves each one of us equally. It is therefore the position of Unity to urge all nations, their leaders, and their people to turn to God, by whatever name, for guidance during these challenging times, and to pursue peace, not war, for this is what honors the God in all of our faith traditions.

Unity stands for peace in our lifetime.